
Time To Delete WhatsApp #banwhatsapp

By now most of you must have received a notification/agreement from WhatsApp and which many must have agreed without even reading it.

Today I am going to tell you what is in that agreement and why it's high time that you should stop using WhatsApp.

So in that agreement, WhatsApp is asking for your permissions to share all your collected data to Facebook.

Data such as:
  • Contact Details
  • Personal Information
  • Personal Chats
  • Banking Details (WhatsApp pay integration)
  • Location Data
  • Browsing Habits
  • What You eat
  • Whom you meet
  • What you and Your Friends are talking about (as you gave them permission to access your microphone), etc, etc.

So all this information about you will be shipped to Facebook and other advertising companies among which many companies don't follow GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) 
nor PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act), not even CCPA (California Consumer's Privacy Act)

All this means that your Personal data is out there in public to misuse, abuse, sell, procure, judge, and maybe for humiliation.

Also if you don't accept their policies till the 8th of February 2021 then your WhatsApp account will automatically get deleted.
Now that is really bad of Facebook.

Your private information is your vulnerability that Facebook is exploiting now🤬.

Being a responsible and educated citizen of this world I choose not to share my private information with rough and dirty companies like Facebook.

Companies like Facebook, Google, etc sell our private data and make a revenue of Billions of $s.

Nowadays small kids are also using these social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc and they are facing a lack of confidence, lack of focus, depression, and distractions, and many more issues.

Many people trolled Mark Zuckerberg for this creepy move.

What should we do now?

According to me, it's now time to delete WhatsApp and start using some safer messaging applications like Telegram or Signal.

Elon Musk himself tweeted and asked everyone to start using Signal.

Signal is safest right now.

It's completed encrypted and secure as well.
You can do whatever you were doing on WhatsApp in Signal also.

The only difference is Signal is open-source and private which doesn't sell your data.

Migrating from WhatsApp is highly recommended from my side.

Other than that it's completely your choice and your data.

After all "Your Data Is Your Responsibility"

Public Awareness Program By Bank Of Technology.

If you got to know something that you were unaware of then do let us know in the comment section below.

If you have any other query then either comment down or connect with us on our social handles.