
Tesla Permanently Banned ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ง. This is what Elon Musk Said...


As we all know that Elon Musk has worked a lot in the Electric Vehicle industry through his company Tesla.

A few years back, Tesla cars were available in the USA only. But for the past some time, he was focusing on selling Tesla in many more countries. Electronic vehicles are the change that has to accepted by all. To undergo sustainable development we must decrease our usage of petroleum products such as vehicles.

Undoubtedly Tesla is the best electric car manufacturer in the market right now.

Many Asian countries like India, China are now contacting Tesla to sell their cars in their country too. Tesla wholeheartedly accepted every proposal. 

But because these cars are electronic and all are A.I. driven, China rose some questions about it. According to China, these electronic cars will spy on their country, through the camera built into them. Also, these cars will store some crucial information about the user which will be shared with the USA directly.

Like in any E-Vehicle manufacturer, Tesla too uses a lot of cameras on their cars. So China doubts that some of these cameras are always active and captures anything happening around them.

Because of this is Tesla cars are noway allowed to enter the military area of China.

Because of rising security issues, China has canceled its deal with Tesla and also banned its import from any other country.

As we all know that China is a country where the latest Tech is always welcomed, so no big company like Tesla would anyway want China to ban their products or put any false allegations onto them.

Because of all this, Elon Musk himself tried to convince China not to ban their cars. He also promised that Tesla will never spy on anything and also will not share any kind of information about the customer or the surroundings in the USA.

Musk has also scheduled a conference with China's state council on this Saturday.

The conference is titled: "The Next Disruptive Innovation"

Elon Musk is trying his level best to continue his trade with China, as China is the world's largest market for E-Vehicles and will also contribute a lot to Musk's global growth ambition.

I will update you all with whatever news we get from the conference between them.

Do comment down below your take on this whole situation.

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