
Secret WhatsApp Hacks/Tricks 2021

So currently we all are forced to use WhatsApp, and yes that's the correct to be used in such a case of WhatsApp, as deep inside we all know that the new privacy policies of WhatsApp are not at all correct.

So coming back to the topic, today I will be telling you some of the Hacks/Tricks?tactics that you should know as a WhatsApp user.

So I personally was knowing about some of them and was not for some.

The first one is, as we all use Microsoft word in our daily life, and in that, we regularly use some features like Bold, Italics, strikethrough, and many.

So do you know that you can do the same on WhatsApp too?

If you want your text to be bold on WhatsApp, then you simply have to put asterisks (*) symbol on both sides of your desired text.

Yes, it's that simple.

If you want your text to be italics then you simply have to put the underscore (_) symbol on both sides of your desired text.

Also, the last one, if you want your text to be strikethrough then you simply have to put a wavy kind of hyphen(~) symbol on both sides of your desired texts.

For practical examples do watch the video linked above.

Do check out our telegram channel too, we keep posting such informative content there too.