
Shocking Fact About Hard Disks. World's First Ever Hard Disk.

Nowadays the usages of our big screen devices such as laptops and desktop PCs has increased a lot.

Because of this, according to me, it's high time that we should be knowing some really interesting as well as shocking facts about some of its components.

So in the small blog post, I am going to tell you everything about the Hard Disk of our laptops or desktop PCs.

So I know that the use of hard disk is getting reduced with each passing day, and in place of this, we nowadays are using the latest and faster technology that is SSD (Solid State Drive).

So the interesting and shocking hard disk facts lie at the time when it was launched.

If you guys don't know about the time at which it was launched then, it was launched in the year 1980.

The shocking fact is, the first hard disk had a storage space of just 1GB, also it weighed around 250 KGs, and also it was priced at around 3 lac Indian Rupees.

Isn't that extremely shocking?

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