
Why we have +91 at starting of our phone numbers?

I don't know if you have ever noticed it or not, but whenever we call someone, we also use the country's code along with it at the very starting of our mobile numbers.

But yes, we do that.

In this small blog post, I am going to tell you why we use +91 specifically, or why the USA uses +1, or why any other country uses theirs's and also who assigns these digits.

This the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to assign these codes to each and every country.

What is the process then?

So ITU assigns the country code on the basis of the corresponding zone in which the respective country lies.

For eg:

India lies in Asia, and Asia is the 9th zone, giving the most priority to India, ITU assigned India the country code is +91.

I hope by now, I am able to make you understand whatever I want to convey.

Do let me know in the comments below, did you understand the thing or not.

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