
8 Thing You Should Never Google

Here is a list of 10 things that you shouldn't Google, in any circumstances possible.

All these are no less than a scary nightmare. To be honest all these can shake you to your soul.

All these searches can change the way you look up to Google, and you will surely have a second thought anytime you Google something.

Note: This list is made according to me, and can be or just cannot seem terrifying to you.

Many big YouTubers, as well as big blogging websites, have also addressed these few things as one of the most horrifying Google searches.

8. The 50-50 Reddit Challenge

As the name suggests this is a challenge hosted on Reddit, and for those who don't know about this, let me quickly give you a brief about this.

In this challenge, you firstly come across a blurred image, for which you will get 2 options, you will be picking one of them. One of the options you say something really good, sweet, and nice about the image, and the second one would be something really-really disturbing and disgusting.

You have to guess by picking an option whether the blurred image is that sweet and nice one or the disturbing and disgusting one, and by disturbing I literally mean it.

Let me talk about my experience with it.

I tried it myself, the first image was of a cat sitting and relaxing on a chair, I guessed it right too. But the second one was heart shocking (I can't tell you what it was because of Google's content policies.) But you can try it out yourself.

7. Harley Quinn Babies

It's a disease found in a newborn or majorly just born babies.

In this disease, the skin of that baby gets deformed, they also get multiple other diseases along with this, but this is some serious issue. 

In some cases, the skin is so dam deformed that you probably might not be able to recognize that it's a human baby.

Most babies who get affected by this don't seem like human babies anymore. 99% of them seem like children of some alien species.

The chances of survival for babies suffering from this is near to 0%, although its cure is slowly coming, it's still not mainstream.

6. 2 Girls 1 Cup

I know that some f you must have heard about this, and a little among you must have read about this too.

For those who don't know about this, then it's again a kind of challenge between 2 girls.

In this challenge, both competitors have to consume each other's vomit.

The thought of this is disgusting.

I saw this video myself, and believe me, I wasn't able to eat or anything for about 2 days. Consuming anything after watching this, felt like consuming vomit.

5. Teratoma

It's again a kind of disease in which, nails, hairs, and teeth grow on any random part of your body.

Its images are so disgusting and I can't even explain them to you. 

I saw some images in which teeth were gown on legs, nails on arms, and some more disgusting like this.

This disease currently doesn't have any cure, and it's really horrifying to live with that.

I recommend you to not Google this in any case possible.

4. Criminal Activities

I know this isn't any disgusting stuff but yes it's surely something that can lead you to some serious trouble.

There is curiosity in our everyone's mind to search for how to make a bomb or how to bombard on city or country or how to buy/sell drugs, but believe me, you should never ever Google any stuff like this.

All these can end up in you being in jail, as Google has some trackers in their algorithm which are actively tracking for any kind of activity on the keywords specifies above.

Once they got you and track your activity completely then Google has utmost right to file a legal case against you. 

3. Calculus Bridge

Sounds like some mathematical stuff right? But you are wrong.

It's again a kind of disease, I know that I have included a lot of diseases in this list and can surely include more. But the ones I have written about are some really really disgusting ones. So never try to search for any of them.

2. Symptoms

One thing I would recommend you is that you should never google any problem you are going through say about back pain o headache.

Most people would search on Google, about the diseases related to so and so problems.

But you shouldn't do that because these results are mostly not appropriate from the medical point of view. You should always consult your own doctor for any kind of medical issues you are facing.

1. Childbirth Videos

I know this doesn't seem anything you should avoid watching, but all the ladies reading this and also those who have experienced must be knowing how terrific experience is giving birth.

If you want to educate yourself on the topic then you should watch this because this will in turn increase respect for a woman in your eyes, but I would still ask you not to do so.

For those who want to know how it feels in text form then I have something for you, "Giving birth to baby feels like burning yourself live".

Also, I may be wrong as I haven't experienced it and will surely not (being a male) but I have heard this statement in multiple interviews with multiple women.