


Whenever we see a post like this first thought that comes to our mind is, " This Is A Fake Post ". But this one is different and I am also going to tell you that from where we are going to get this extra speed.

Also as promised there will be a guaranteed increment of at least 20% to at most 80% in your internet speed.

Windows reserves 20% of the available bandwidth for their own purpose like windows updates and interrogating the PC etc.

By changing this, internet speed can be boosted by 20%. Follow the steps.

  • Press Windows key + R
  • Type 'gpedit.msc'. Then press Enter.
  • A new window should open.
  • Go to 'Local Computer Policy'
  • Then  Computer Configuration
  • Then Administrative Templates
  • Then  Network
  • And finally 'QoS Packet Scheduler'.
On the right side, find ‘Limit Reservable Bandwidth’ and double click it.

A new window will open.

On the left-hand side, you will see something like this.

It will be selected to " Not Configured ".
Change this. Select " Enable ".

Now under this, you will see something like this.

This value of 80 might be different for you. Here you can see that Microsoft has reserved 80% of my bandwidth speed for their own purposes.

Now just change this value to 0.

Click on ‘Apply’ and ‘Ok’.
Now restart your PC and enjoy your increased internet speed.